Discover the Global Purpose Group
The Global Purpose Group derived its name from an idea – that service to others is a uniting principle for humanity. In helping each other, we find something in common, come to respect and appreciate our differences, and make the world a slightly better place with each passing day.
All donations go directly to projects. Administrative time and costs are donated by board members.

History of the Global Purpose Group
Global Purpose Group was initially founded in response to the 2004 tsunami, in order to support short-term relief and long-term recovery. The grassroots effort grew to encompass over 150 projects in 12 villages, incubating handicraft cooperatives, pro-poor tourism, youth education, village-led conservation, and cultural empowerment. In 2014, we launched We Help Nepal to support earthquake recovery efforts that provided food, shelter, medical care, and education for over 12,000 people.
In the years since, Global Purpose Group has sponsored scholarships, climate change seminars, elephant welfare, music education, food for the homeless, and many other projects in Nepal, Thailand, Peru, Kenya, and the USA.
Partner organizations have included Rotary, USAID, Red Cross, Avaaz, University of California at Los Angeles, IUCN, CARE, and many more.

Global Purpose Group currently has two projects in Thailand. The Andaman Center for Migrant Education is a school for over 100 underprivileged migrant children in Southern Thailand. We also provide ongoing assistance to the Moken people in their struggle for human rights and cultural autonomy.
Our other active projects focus mainly on education and child welfare. In Nepal, we sponsor scholarships for needy children and a long-running orphanage.
In Kenya, we provide education and housing for a group of orphaned siblings, and sanitation projects in their village.